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The Impactful Leader Program

Be the leader that your team and the business needs to thrive

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Sound familiar?

As the leader, you know the direct impact and influence you have on your employees' engagement, well-being, performance, retention, and growth.

The reality is that we don't learnt the foundations of managing and leading a team and leading is a practice.


Until now you've had to learn how to manage your team by trial and error with the little support or non-existent.


The result is that the team isn't delivering as you expect, you've lost your confidence, the team is not getting along (or superficially getting by), stress and miscommunication are on the rise, which creates more pressure on you and the rest of the team.


The bottom line is that it's costly and negatively impacts business results and the morale.

The Statistics

The cost to replace an employee is up to a third of the employee’s annual salary.
Plus the damage to the employer’s brand.

79% of employees worldwide are disengaged.

63% of millennials feel a lack of leadership development.

"Managers report more stress and burnout and worse physical wellbeing than the people they manage". - Gallup

The Problem

Poor leadership costs more than what your team produces, and you may not even notice.

There is a different way

It's called the The Impactful Leader Program and when you implement it, your team become the revenue engine you always hope it would be.


People leaders have a direct influence over those statistics and can favourably impact their team and the business when they have the training, support and tools that help them succeed in their role.


Being a new leader with a growing team, Claudia was an incredible advisor who encouraged and supported me through a tricky restructure at our firm. 


At the time, I had to recruit intensively, on-board and train new staff, develop current staff and unify a number of business units. 


Claudia's expertise in HR and Change Management really gave me the confidence during this period to focus on the foundations and make critical and (in retrospect successful) decisions for our business. 


From my experience, Claudia is absolutely invested in her clients' outcomes, both personal and professional.  I appreciate the insights she gave me during this time and would highly recommend Claudia.

Senior Portfolio Manager, Real Estate

Before working with Claudia I struggled so much managing my employees and finding clear opportunities to grow my business.

I’d almost accepted working harder and being stressed as normal!

Since working with Claudia I experienced clarity of who we are as a growing business and a structure plan of how we are going to achieve the results and who do we need in our team to make our vision a reality.
I feel so motivated; with clarity of where my business is heading and what actions I need to take.

Hiring Claudia is an absolute no-brainer if you’re struggling to get the right team to grow your business and you are ready to have the team that contributes to make the vision of your business a reality.

CEO, Entertainment Services


The Impactful Leader Program

 This is a 6 month program that is based on three core foundations.


Understand yourself:
Who am I as a Leader?
  • Discover your leadership style

  • Enhance they way you communicate and interact with others

  • Design and redefine your identity as a leader

  • Manage your emotions


Understand others:
Get the best out of your team
  • Build tools for Communication: provide feedback and approach difficult conversations

  • Performance essentials

  • Create systems to reward and recognize team members

  • Develop team agreements to increase ownership


Understand the process:
Leader Essential Toolkit
  • Manage performance and set up clear expectations

  • Building trust

  • Run effective and valuable meetings

  • Meaningful 1:1’s

  • Delegate

  • Be a conscious and active listener

Who is this for?

  • Business owners or founders that have learnt to lead on the job by trial and error and know there's a better way.

  • People leaders who stepped up into a leadership role and haven't yet received any development or support.



What can you expect from the program?


During the 6 months, you and I will work together one on one and we'll meet virtually once every week.


Every weeks we'll go through a specific topic of the core foundations (understand yourself, others and the process). Between sessions you will have time to complete the development activities, reflect and implement what you've learnt.


The process:

During the six months, I will partner with you and work together to set your business on a path to increase your team engagement, productivity and revenue without hiring additional staff.


What's next? 


Click the button below and submit your application.


If you're a good fit we'll schedule a 30 min consultation to explore what your leadership needs are and what's possible for you, your team and the business.

About Claudia

Claudia Navarro is a Human Resources specialist and leadership consultant. She has worked with international companies including Coca Cola, Schweppes and Asahi.


Over the last five years, she has focused on helping small and medium-sized businesses with resilient leadership and robust systems. ​


Through her global experience in HR, Claudia observed the significant difference that results from leaders having the support and tools to help them succeed in their roles. It doesn’t mean there are no challenges or conflict — it means that leaders know how to act and respond when challenges are present.


Claudia believes that relying on skills alone can only take you so far. Great leaders also need mindset training and support to develop a more efficient leadership style, create a sustainable thriving culture, raise performance and therefore results. Building a world-class team culture and achieving outstanding results requires fully engaged leaders and workforce. 


Her book The Power of Engagement – Transforming Business Results and Inspire Your Employees, is a summary of insights gained from advising top-level leaders around the world.  


Claudia loves to travel and has worked and lived in five different countries, which has taught her to see the world through different lenses; embrace different ways of living and working; and shape how she communicates and interacts with others.


Claudia holds a bachelor in Pedagogy, NLP Practitioner Certification, Practitioner of Meta Dynamics, Coaching Practitioner, Certified extended DISC Consultant and Emotional Culture Practitioner.


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©2023 Proudly created with love in Australia.

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where I work and live. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging. I celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.

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